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Catherine Segurane

Catherine Segurane

Féministe, laïque, patriote, païenne et bouddhiste.

Tableau de bord

  • Premier article le 28/06/2010
  • Modérateur depuis le 30/06/2010
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Derniers commentaires

  • Catherine Segurane Catherine Segurane 26 mars 2012 13:44

    @ Soulmanfred, Frida et d’autres

    Que Merah puisse être Français de papiers sans être Français de sang ni de couer, c’est bien ça le problème.

    C’est bien à éviter que ce genre de situation continue à se multiplier à l’avenir que Marine doit travailler.

  • Catherine Segurane Catherine Segurane 16 mars 2012 05:26

    D’après le site de Gerush92, elle a le statut consultatif auprès du Conseil économique et social (ECOSOC), avec le statut « spécial ». Sur l’importantce du statut consultatif, voir cette page :

    Une brochure de l’ONU détaille le rôle des ONGavec statut consultatif :

    Extraits de cette brochure :

    « An NGO with consultative status can :

    - Attend international conferences and events ;
    - Make written and oral statements at these events ;
    - Organize side events ;
    - Enter United Nations premises ;
    - Have opportunities to network and lobby »

    « NGOs that are accredited with ECOSOC can participate in a number of events, including, but not limited to, the regular sessions of ECOSOC, its func- regular sessions of of ECOSOC, its func- ECOSOC, its func- ECOSOC, its func- functional commissions and its other subsidiary bodies. At these sessions, which usually take place once a year, NGOs may :
     » Attend official meetings ;
     » Submit written statements prior to sessions ;
     » Make oral statements ;
     » Meet official government delegations and other NGO representatives ;
     » Organize and attend parallel events that take place during the session ;
     » Participate in debates, interactive dialogues, panel 
    discussions and informal meetings. »

    Le statut d’ONG consultative auprès de l’Ecosoc ouvre aussi de fait, d’après la brochure, les portes du controversé Comité des droits de l’homme :

    « Even though this body is not subsidiary of ECOSOC, only NGOs in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council can be accredited to participate in the Human Rights Council’s sessions as observers.

    As observers, NGOs are able, among other things, to :

    - Attend and observe all proceedings of the Council with the exception of the Council deliberations under the Complaints Procedure ;
    - Submit written statements to the Human Rights Council ;
    - Make oral interventions to the Human Rights Council ;
    - Participate in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) which involves a review of the human rights records of all 192 United Nations Member States once every four years ;
    - Participate in debates, interactive dialogues, panel discussions and informal meetings ; 
    - Organize “parallel events” on issues relevant to the work of the Human Rights Council.

    An NGO in consultative status with ECOSOC that wishes to attend a session of the Human Rights Council must send a letter of request for accreditation to its Secretariat in Geneva, well in advance of the relevant session. »

  • Catherine Segurane Catherine Segurane 15 mars 2012 19:27

    Et aussi :

    « Gherush92 has been accredited to the next Durban Review Conference and its preparatory process. Gherush92 has been granted the special consultative status with un Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). »

  • Catherine Segurane Catherine Segurane 15 mars 2012 19:21

    Quand Gerush92 lance une invitation à un événement dans les locaux mêmes de l’ONU à Genève :

    “JUDAISM AND ISLAM. RULES FOR A NEW GOLDEN AGE”International EventDate : 2011-03-14
    Author : Gherush92

    We have the pleasure to invite you to the side event entitled “JUDAISM AND ISLAM. RULES FOR A NEW GOLDEN AGE”, that will be held next March 23 from 1 to 3pm, in Geneva, UN Headquarters, during the 16th Session of the Council for Human Rights. 

    The aim of the event is to create an unprecedented meeting in which Islamic and Jewish culture, laws and rules could be considered as a holistic and self-consistent system able to effectively contribute to the main issues of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) such as environment, food, poverty, human rights and sustainable development.

    The event will maintain a strictly cultural and scientific approach. The reference to the “Golden Age” has to be considered as an historical guideline for a new impulse to cooperation among prominent and traditional ancient cultures in view of a new development program in the area in the concerned areas. 

    The event is included in the framework of the program “Bioeconomics Network and Sustainability”.

    For Information :
    [email protected]
    Gherush92 Committee for Human Rights

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