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Commentaire de Richard Taft

sur A-t-on le droit de poser des questions sur des sujets « sensibles » ? Le cas du 11 septembre

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Richard Taft (---.---.130.11) 6 avril 2006 21:41

From the New York Times : ALEXANDRIA, Va., April 6 - With the smiling Al Qaeda member Zacarias Moussaoui sitting only 10 feet from him, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York recalled today how the sight of people jumping from the burning World Trade Center will stay with him all his life. Mr. Giuliani, testifying in the trial that will determine whether Mr. Moussaoui is put to death or spends the rest of his days in prison, told of seeing a man plunge 100 stories to his death from the center’s North Tower. But horrible as the sight was, it was only the beginning. Moments later, the former mayor said, he saw several more people jump, including two who held hands all the way down. « That image comes back to me every day, » Mr. Giuliani told a jury in United States District Court here.

Vous devez avoir honte, vous francais !

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