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Commentaire de E-fred

sur Y a-t-il une menace de pandémie d'attaques terroristes ?

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E-fred E-fred 29 septembre 2010 11:34

Vite fait...par ce que les psyOps volent de plus en plus bas et ça devient de plus en plus gros...

On September 6, 2010, STARpod.org reported on a impending threat to London, based upon multiple psychic sources. One source, Chris Robinson, a citizen of the United Kingdom, posted a series of messages on Twitter warning of the developing threat. Robinson’s psychic alert was determined to be focused on London and Paris, with a connection to Germany, based upon additional psychically derived information.

The original STARpod.org article stated that "sources using anomalous mental phenomena, the official US government’s terminology for psychically collected intelligence, appear to be converging on London and other locations in the United Kingdom as the probable target of a new terror plot...Chris Robinson, widely known as the ’dream detective’ for past warnings of terror-related events, including the 9/11 attacks, is now warning an attack may be imminent."

The Telegraph reported "the plot was foiled after Western intelligence agencies, including MI6 and GCHQ, uncovered the plans by senior al-Qaeda operatives in the lawless tribal areas."

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