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Commentaire de CoolDude

sur Lancet Gate : l'étude anti-hydroxychloroquine s'avère être une « escroquerie intellectuelle »

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CoolDude 2 juin 2020 17:54


CF. 3.2. Poor clinical outcome

Du document :

Forty-six patients (4.3%) were classified into the PClinO group including 10 patients transferred into ICU of whom 2 died, 6 who died in conventional hospital units, and 30 additional patients who were hospitalized for 10 days or more (update April 18th). Their median age (69.0 years ; 31–95 years) was significantly higher than that of patients included into the GO group (42.0 years ; 14–86, p < .001) (Table 2).

Regarding specifically the 8 patients who died after having received HCQ+AZ ≥ 3 days, their median age was 79 years (74–95 years) (Table 5). Six patients (75%) reported hypertension and one active cancer.

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