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Commentaire de aobc

sur Le FESF, l'UE et la « BANQUE-MES » : le coup final de l´esclavage des peuples, par l'endettement

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aobc 5 août 2011 19:50

« DERNIERS » CHIFFRES DU FESF + „MES“ De NATIXIS Flash-info du 29 juillet 2011 – N°. 590 VOIR ==> Tableau 2 – Facilités d’assistance financière en zone euro PAGE 6 http://cib.natixis.com/flushdoc.aspx?id=59400


http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/11/540&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=de Olli Rehn European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Ongoing developments in the eurozone Press Conference Brussels, 5 August 2011 .......... Experts from Member States, supported by my services of DG ECFIN, as well as by the ECB and the EFSF , are working night and day to put flesh on the bones of the 21st July agreement. And we are progressing quickly. Meetings and conference calls are being organised very frequently and will take place as often as necessary in coming days. The technical work will be completed as a matter of urgency. We are talking here of a matter of weeks, not months. In order to end the uncertainty, the technical and political processes should be finalised by early September............

Fifth and finally, let’s not forget the bigger picture. The 21st July agreement is a milestone in economic policy coordination in the euroarea.... Strengthening the Stability and Growth Pact and the new macroeconomic surveillance system that we have proposed will ensure that medium term expectations about national policies are framed within a strong structure. The rules for maintaining fiscal discipline in the Member States will be reinforced........ Although all sides agree on the urgency and importance of this package,negotiations are held up by only one sticking point relating to the voting mechanism in the final stage of the preventive arm of the Pact. No one will understand if the adoption of the package is further delayed because of this disagreement. That is why I call on both legislators, the Council and the Parliament, to make the final compromises necessary to strike a deal..........

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